Mattoon School of the Bible

Mattoon School of the Bible

Mattoon School of the Bible


Meeting Info

Sunday Mornings at 9:30am


Ryan Hayden

Ryan Hayden, Lead Pastor


Phone: 2174990822

The Mattoon School of the Bible is what we do at our church in leu of Adult Sunday School.  It differs from a traditional adult Sunday School Class in one key way: Where a traditional Sunday School is organized around groups, the Mattoon School of the Bible is organized around content.

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We like to think of it almost like a college class with three goals:

  • Discipleship - get new Christians "up to speed" as quickly as possible.
  • Education - raise the biblical literacy level of the church.
  • Equipping - help Christians be equipped to live the Christian life and minister for the Lord.

Currently, as we are just beginning, their is only one class to choose from and it is taught in the auditorium by several teachers.  Eventually we hope to have several classes going simultaneously, rotating every six weeks.

If you are interested or have questions, please call the church or email our pastor at